Featured Artwork
Camellia by Julia Preminger
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This photograph was taken in August of 2018 in Silverdale Auckland, New Zealand where I lived for five years. August is the height of winter in New Zealand but in the coastal areas of the north island, winter is relatively gentle and the camellias bloom profusely throughout the often rainy season.
When I am photographing flowers, I marvel at the intricate and very purposeful structures that are crafted from such delicate materials. Often they only have a day or two of perfection before they begin to dissolve. There is a whole universe of life in flowers—their own life cycle, the visits of pollinating insects and birds, their fragrance and texture. As a friend of mine once said, they are their own universe. Flowers are intimate landscapes that contain great power for me.
Of the forty photographs that I took on this afternoon, this is my favorite. The mandala form of the petals draws the eye into the still-closed thus mysterious, silent center which anchors the dynamism of the petals. The luminous droplets of water add more light to the soft tones of the petals.

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