About Transcendental Meditation®

Transcendental Meditation® is an effortless meditation technique whereby you can settle down to this silent level of yourself. It is not a technique where you just merely close your eyes and try to be still or mindful of the present. How many of you have tried quieting your mind and find that instead of being silent, your mind is flooded with thoughts and even restlessness?

Transcendental Meditation doesn’t require clearing your mind of thoughts or concentrating. It is so effortless that within just a few minutes your mind automatically settles down and transcends the thinking level, going beyond worries and agitation.

How does this happen? It works because the mind will naturally go to a field of greater happiness and charm. For example: if during the day your favorite song comes on the radio, your mind will naturally go there without any effort from your side, because it is enjoyable. Similarly, the quieter levels of the mind are inherently more pleasing and charming than surface levels. Given the proper direction—a tool to turn within—the mind will automatically settle down to these quieter levels.

The healing rest gained in each sitting of the TM® technique (normally practiced 20 minutes twice a day) allows emotional, mental, and physical stress to wash away—in both mind and body. These subtler, more settled levels of the mind are very refreshing and the mind and body gain a deep, restorative rest—much deeper than ordinary relaxation, as indicated by research which shows reduced cortisol and plasma lactate (major indicators of stress) during TM practice. One comes out of meditation feeling refreshed and ready to take on the activities of the day.

Over 600 research studies have been conducted on Transcendental Meditation at more than 200 universities and research centers (including Harvard, UCLA, and Stanford). Over 330 of these studies have been published in over 100 peer-reviewed journals and have shown that regular TM practice leads to a wide range of personal benefits—decreased anxiety and depression, reduced high blood pressure, decreased illness, longer lifespan, improved memory and clearer thinking, and more harmonious relationships. See more benefits here. Ultimately, meditation can help unfold your full human potential—the state of enlightenment!

For more information on Transcendental Meditation®, please visit:

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